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July 28, 2014

Seven Groups Most Likely to Lack Life Insurance

Are you inadvertently putting your loved ones in danger? Millions of Americans lack enough—or even any—life insurance. Are you one of them? A recent study revealed that life insurance ownership recently hit a 50-year low—and that 35 million households don’t have any life insurance at all. This means that the death of an income earner […]
July 25, 2014

Insurance for Home-based Businesses

What homeowners policies don’t cover Many—though not all—homepreneurs need extra protection beyond their homeowners policies. That’s because most homeowners policies lack these important coverages: Business personal property Most homeowners policies provide limited coverage of $500 to $1,000 for tools, machines or other equipment you use exclusively for your business. If your belongings are worth more, […]
July 25, 2014

Eight Reasons Why You Need to Review Your Business Insurance Coverage

You’ve invested a lot of time and money into your business and you want to help keep it safe. Business insurance helps to ensure that all you’ve invested in your business is protected in case of a covered accident, disaster, disruption or emergency. The Risks Unfortunately, not having the appropriate amount of insurance (under insurance) can be an issue […]
July 2, 2014

What You Need to Know About Lightning Safety

This week marks Lightning Safety Awareness Week. Though disasters like hurricanes tend to get more attention during the summer months, it’s important to know how to stay safe from lightning. That’s because lightning presents serious dangers to both people and property. Lightning safety and people Lightning can occur during any time of the year, but […]
June 14, 2014

Should You Buy Renters Insurance?

Stephanie Garman had just returned from a vacation in Mexico last February when her roommate called to tell her that their Hoboken, N.J., apartment building was on fire. The fire claimed all of Garman’s belongings, including the living room and kitchen furniture she owned, and the city demolished the building later that week. Garman’s roommate […]
May 29, 2014

Hiring a Contractor Checklist

Concerns about questionable contractors are the number one reason consumers call the Better Business Bureau. This statistic doesn’t surprise Phae Howard, executive director of the National Center for the Prevention of Home Improvement Fraud. “It’s easy money since most people don’t understand the language of home improvement,” says Howard, who recently published Don’t Even Think […]
May 13, 2014

Why Families Need Life Insurance

As a young insurance agent, Mark Wandall didn’t needed to be convinced to buy life insurance. But even Mark would be amazed at all that the insurance has meant for his wife, Melissa, and for many other people he never met. Mark was just 30 when he was killed in an auto accident less than […]
May 7, 2014

Is Your Homeowners Insurance Up to Date?

  1. The right limit:  You need enough insurance to let you rebuild if you have a total loss. So don’t risk it by choosing a lower limit in an effort to save a few dollars. One thing to remember when it comes to the right limit is the increased value your home may have after […]

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